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Types of Stations to Include

You can limit your search to specific types of radio stations. You may search on any or all of the follow types of stations:
Licensed Stations
This includes radio stations who are licensed to broadcast in the United States or Canada.

Construction Permits
This includes all stations who have valid constrution permits with the FCC. These stations may also have licenses and they may be operating under the parameters of either the license or the construction permit.

Unlicensed Stations
This includes carrier-current AM stations, cable FM stations, micro-power stations, or any other type of unlicensed broadcaster.

Full Service Stations
These are regular AM or FM stations that do not fall into one of the categories below.

Low Power FM (LPFM) Stations
These are specially licensed FM stations that operate at no more than 100 watts of power. Look here for more info.

FM Translators
These are FM transmitters that rebroadcast the signal of another FM station on a different frequency. Look here for more info.

FM Boosters
These are FM transmitters that rebroadcast the signal of another FM station on the same frequency. Look here for more info.

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